There are a lot of things you should know about Starr Jaycee Park, Royal Oak MI before purchasing real estate here. For example, did you know that the community is home to a large population of Polish ancestry? What is the average real estate price in this community? Read on to learn more. Moreover, you will find out how many children live in this area. You will also learn the average rental price in this neighborhood.
The median real estate price in Starr Jaycee-Park is $318,489. This is higher than the state average of 71.0%. Compared to the national average, Starr Jaycee-Park real estate is more expensive than 80% of neighborhoods. Renters are also paying more for their homes, as the median rental price is $1,607. Click for more info.
According to the MLS, a median listing price of a single-family home in the community was $335,000 in June 2022. This is higher than the median list price last year, but it’s still below the median price of $336,000. Among Royal Oak-area homes for sale, single-family homes sold for an average of 17 days. And when it comes to resale properties, listings in Royal Oak were up about 6.2% from a year ago.
Almost a fifth of the population of Starr Jaycee Park in Royal Oak, Michigan is of Polish descent, with a high proportion of commuters identifying themselves as having this ancestry. The majority of residents of the neighborhood also identify as having Italian, Irish, or English roots. But despite this apparent diversity, it is still surprising to find so many people of Polish ancestry in the city of Royal Oak.
The median real estate price in this neighborhood is $318,489, which is slightly higher than the national average of 71.0%. This high demand for homes could indicate an impending increase in prices and new construction. However, it is important to note that the majority of residential real estate in the city is owner-occupied, rather than being apartment-styled. Most homes in the neighborhood were built between the 1940s and the 1970s.
The average price of real estate in the area is $318,489, which is more than 81.0% higher than the national average. Despite this high price tag, there is also a high demand for real estate in the neighborhood, as the average rent is $1,607, higher than 78.2% of other neighborhoods in Michigan. The lack of new construction may be another contributing factor to the high rental price in the area. This article.
There are approximately 3,828 rentals in the Royal Oak, Michigan area. Of these, 41% are two-bedroom apartments and 2% are four-bedroom apartments. In the Royal Oak rental market, four-bedroom apartments make up 2% of the units. On average, two-bedroom apartments are 14% more expensive than studio apartments, but the majority of residents are between 25-44 years old. Only 1% of Royal Oak rental units are older than 85 years old.